Training and Education
Helping young people gain the confidence to make decisions about their own lives is an important part of our work.
As is providing an environment in which they can flourish. Education is more than formal schooling – that’s why we offer a range of education, skills-based training, placement and apprenticeship schemes.
For a homeless young person, getting a job or holding on to one, is equally challenging. We know that losing one’s job is closely tied in with becoming homeless and we continually work to give our residents routes back into employment. We support young people with work clubs, CV and interview skills and getting work experience to help them into employment.
For young people, getting a job can be extremely difficult if they don’t have the experience that is required. How do you get the experience if no one wants to give you a job? Our Stepping Stones Café is a social enterprise providing young people within our services with real life work experience, training, skills and routes into employment.
Our Life Ready project in Great Yarmouth helps young people locally learn how to budget, cook and manage a tenancy. It also includes support for exploring career options, looking for a job or training, creating a CV and gaining work experience and employment.
Our Community Garden provides young people with training in horticulture and qualifications in partnership with YMCA Training.
With training and educational opportunities we help young people towards a brighter future.