Youth Clubs and Services
Our Youth Projects across Norfolk provide a safe and secure environment that allows young people to socialise and take part in activities.
The Youth Projects also offer a safe place for young people to seek advice around issues that may be affecting them such as mental health, bullying, healthy living. The purpose is to help build up external support for children and young adults between the ages of 5 years to 18 years as well as helping to build up positive community relations.

Youth Club Packages

All of our packages are available as three hour or two hour youth clubs. Each package allows for setting up the site and clearing away.
All packages come with the following as standard:
- 24/7 access to YMCA out of hours safeguarding support
- Fully qualified staff
- Volunteer management and additional training
- Advertising for the youth club
- Nationally recognised Ambition Quality Mark
- YMCA Norfolk follows recommended child to adult
- ratios within all youth clubs.
For more information or to book one of our packages please contact us at:
Email: youthclubs@ymcanorfolk.org