A huge thanks to our amazing
staff and volunteers
Small things make a big difference.
We’ve launched a new campaign to thank all of our incredible staff and volunteers. The work they do has had a huge impact in transforming lives.
We’ll be shining the spotlight on the wide range of work we do across Norfolk through quotes from young people, families, and our local community.
How can you help?
Thanks Stephen
“You’ve been incredibly adept at dealing with my council issues, and even managed to get me photographic ID which we didn’t think was possible.”
Thanks Jo
“You have been so much more help than you’ll ever know. You are fantastic at your job and I can’t praise you enough. You have been our rock and a part of the family.”
Thanks Sharon
“You have been my biggest supporter and made me realise I’m not alone.”
Thanks Franky
“You have taught me how to properly clean and maintain a home, and she have supported me with my emotions.”
A huge thanks to Creativity Unbound
We couldn’t have created this incredible campaign without the generous support of Creativity Unbound,
a creative marketing agency specialising in charities and good causes.