Tavis tells us his story of moving from being a young person at the youth club to volunteering and inspiring the next generation…
I started coming to the youth club aged 13 when some friends at my schools invited me along. This was several years ago when it was running in the original building by Tesco in Caister on Sea and before YMCA Norfolk was running the club. I have been coming to the Friday Hub ever since.
I decided to become a volunteer in December 2016, I was then 19, after meeting with the YMCA Norfolk lead youth worker and having his help to complete the paperwork. I wanted to volunteer because I saw the youth club from the young people’s point of view and felt that with the experience I had I wanted to work with the YMCA to give back to the new generation that began to use the youth club.
Since I’ve been volunteering at the YMCA Friday Hub I have become a key member of the team and have duties such as: setting up electrical equipment for the young people, running the tuck shop and taking the money. I also engage with the young people that come into the Friday Hub and participate in detached youth work outside of the Hub to talk with the young people and listen to their view points.
I enjoy this volunteering a lot, my favourite part of working for the YMCA Friday Hub is seeing all the happy young people coming in and using the facility.
I would happily encourage anybody thinking of becoming a volunteer as it is a chance to become a role model for the younger generation.
Moving forward with this I hope to get a job with the skills I have learnt from YMCA Norfolk and I hope to continue working with YMCA Norfolk to encourage young people to a brighter future.