Supported Lodgings
Who is it for?
Supported lodgings are for single, homeless young people aged 16-25 years. Those housed have low to high needs, and prefer a smaller environment within a community.
Entry is via HAF (Hostel Accommodation Form) referrals from agencies and YMCA Housing Services. Supported lodgings are particularly suited to young people who are looked after, leaving care or in crisis requiring emergency admission.
What are the aims?
The main aims are recovery from crisis by matching young people to lodging providers, with progression to move on to independent or shared accommodation.
Young people are supported to develop independent living skills, through measures such as tenancy management, budgeting skills and training & education opportunities.
What accommodation is available?
There are a range of lodgings across the county; furnished room in the houses of fully trained lodging providers. Breakfast is sometimes included.
Who staffs Supported Lodgings?
Housing related support is available 9am-5pm on weekdays. An out-of-hours emergency contact is available 24 hours a day all year round, and every young person has an allocated key worker.